“I've grown accustomed to being only half a man, but that night I really hit rock bottom. It was a kind of catharsis, I guess. We both knew we'd never rediscover the same extremes of passion and cruelty with another living soul.” 能将爱情中的炎夏和寒冬兼容进一个跌宕、悬疑、让人欲罢不能的旅程里故事的力量真的太大了2010-01-02
2015.09.19 有腔调但不精彩先锋啪啪啪或许这就是主创追求的效果也未可知这段历史真的很应该被拍成电影感觉Murrow的精神和Atticus Finch有点一脉相承的味道我喜欢他“must not confuse dissent with disloyalty”的观点